いつも近くにおいて心を癒してもらえたら、色彩のハーモニーを楽しんで頂けたら、また何かパワーを感じて頂けたら、本当に幸せです。 This website is an official Art gallery of Watanabe Haruko, Japanese Artist.
With 30 years experience, we received good support from our valuable customers both domestic and international.
Once you look at the picture by using your heart, you will always enjoy the harmony of the colors and it will help you from the exhaustion
渡辺晴子が展開するコピトデニーベブランドのオフィシャルページです。20数年ずっと愛され続けてまいりました。オリジナルの出産祝いやバック、バスケット等を一つ一つ心を込めて手作り致します。大量生産では出せない「こだわり」や「味」がいっぱいつまっています。特別な方へのプレゼントや大切なベビーやお子様のために世界で一つの本当に特別な品を是非!!We have been started our business more than 20 years. Original handmade products such as baby gifts, bags, baskets etc. We also offer products especially for our important customers as a pleasant to their beloved person, exclusively for you.These illustration designs will heal you from exhaustion and will relax your mind

お子様向けの幼稚園、小学校向けのBAG、etc…はお母様の気持ちで心を込めて作らせていただいています。心豊かなお子様の成長を祈って。お名前が入れられるのが何よりのポイント。相手の方が心から喜んでくれるプレゼントを選ぶのは難しいもの。でもきっと喜んでもらえるはずです。モチーフからすべて世界で一つですから。All handmade products are made by our heart and neatly sew. We put our feelings into our products as a love from mom to kids.
Original handmade products such as bags, baskets, baby gifts etc are made one by one with our tender neat especially for you.
According to your desires; we can make as your special product as you want. You can choose colors, size and style. We also provide you kindergarten bags for your kids, children. If you want to put a name on it, we can make it specially for you. Let us make you the valuable gift for your special one.